Crafty Goat
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Home Decor

Welcome to Crafty Goat! My name is Angela, and I designed the various goodies on this site. Most of the products here feature polymer clay, which is a really neat medium. It's available in lots of colors... or you can paint it or dust it with metallic powders to get just the right effect. You can shape, sculpt, carve, and cover most anything with it. Once it's baked (275 degrees for 15 minutes), it's durable and can be used for just about any application. It was this versatility that first attracted me to polymer clay. I was in a toy store one day looking through the books and came across the Klutz "Create Anything with Clay" book (I don't guess I'm the intended audience, but I love those Klutz books!) I looked through and saw that you really could use clay for almost anything -- and I was hooked.

Busy at work

I hope you'll enjoy the site. I'll be updating it and adding new products as I complete them. I also do special orders, if there's something specific you want. You can easily order items through the product pages by clicking the 'Add to Cart' buttons, which uses Paypal. Or click here to see other payment options.
